The JET ET Series Electronic Trolleys are designed to give you single control convenience. This Electronic Trolley can be beam or hook mounted. This three phase versatile trolley gives you great flexibility when lifting.
Harrington’s PT push trolleys and GT geared trolleys are versatile and durable and are the economical choice for adding mobility to our hoists. Maintenance-free sealed ball bearings provide smooth operation and long efficient service.
Side Frame: Side plates are rugged rolled steel Wheels: Crown tread allows operation on tapered or flat flange beams Bearings: Shielded, lifetime lubricated, single row ball bearings Hand Chain: Electric welded, close link galvanized coil chain, accurately and uniformly sized to seat properly in handwheel pockets Chain Guide: Steel chain guide Suspension Lug: Pivot mounted …
JET® HDT Series Manual trolleys are available in capacities from 1/2 ton to 5 Tons. They are designed for low maintenance, trouble free use on wide flange H-beams, standard I-beams or curved track. Each JET® Manual Trolley conforms to OSHA regulations, and ANSI / ASME B30.11 and B30.17 standards.